Analysis of the world experience in the use of luminescent paint or luminescent compositions

Number: Issue 17(2017)
Section: Materials
The page spacing of the article: 54-60
Keywords: moisture, luminescent paint, luminophore, pigment, luminescence.
How to quote an article: Yuriy Gostev, Tetyana Kostrulova, Iryna Fosch. Analysis of the world experience in the use of luminescent paint or luminescent compositions. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2017. 17. P. 54-60 [in Ukrainian]


M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine


The experimental projects of application of road marking with luminescent paint in the Netherlands are presented in the article. The disadvantages and advantages of such method was give. The projects for luminous bicycle paths arrangement by Studio Roosegarde company and Polish Material science center TPAQI was also present. The bicycle paths were arrange with a material based on an inorganic luminophore with a fine-grained structure.


1. ДСТУ 2587:2010 Безпека дорожнього руху. Розмітка дорожня. Загальні технічні вимоги. Методи контролювання. Правила застосування.
2. Компанія Studio Roosegarde [Електронний ресурс]: Роттердам, 2017, URL:  (дата звернення: 11.10.2017).
3. Компанія Studio Roosegarde [Електронний ресурс]: Роттердам, 2017, URL: (дата звернення: 11.10.2017).