One of the main factors, which restrain application of modified bitumens in Ukraine is their high cost. DerzhdorNDI developed polymer additive under the title Polydom on the basis of domestic derived polyethylene, which costs less and is not inferior to foreign thermoplastic elastomer. Introduction of 3-3,5% of Polydom in bitumen enhances cohesive strength and heat resistance of the binder. Polydom gives high elasticity to bitumen and improves its behavior at low temperatures. Calorimetric research confirms the minor temperature sensitivity of modified bitumen and more stability of its operational characteristics. Polydom modified bitumens confirm to the requirements of Ukrainian standard for polymer modified bitumens.
New polymer modifier of bitumen Polydom on the basis of derived polyethylene
published: 2019-08-15
Number: Issue 8(2008)
Section: Without a section
The page spacing of the article: 149-153
How to quote an article:
Serhii Kishchynskyi New polymer modifier of bitumen Polydom on the basis of derived polyethylene. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2008. 8. P. 149-153 [in Ukrainian]
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