Development of investment projects as the instrument of effective use of public and investor funds

Number: Issue 17(2017)
Section: Finances, investments, economics
The page spacing of the article: 102-114
Keywords: investment project, public funds, instrument.
How to quote an article: Taras Pechonchyk, Natalia Oksyuta. Development of investment projects as the instrument of effective use of public and investor funds. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2017. 17. P. 102-114 [in Ukrainian]


M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
State Enterprise «National Institute for Infrastructure Development» (SE «NIDI»), Kyiv, Ukraine


The article deals with investment projects as the instrument of effective use public and investor funds and the major effects from investment in road infrastructure to calculate the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects.


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