Determination of geometric parameters of motor roads at passport system automation

Number: Issue 8(2008)
Section: Without a section
The page spacing of the article: 237-240
How to quote an article: Oleksiy Rakhuba Determination of geometric parameters of motor roads at passport system automation. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2008. 8. P. 237-240 [in Ukrainian]


National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukrainе


The article give the analysis of the existing methods of determination of geometric parameters at passport system, used at technical registration of motor roads. There established that existing methods are labor intensive and require improvement using contemporary technologies of measurement. Application of GPS technologies will allow to improve the level of automation of measurement works and to reduce labor intensiveness of such processes, thus to reduce costs for technical registration to 100 UAH/km per road.


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