Determination of strength of steel with use of method of local destruction

Number: Issue 10(2008)
Section: Without a section
The page spacing of the article: 105-109
Keywords: operative constructions, design resistance of steel, method “cut of thread”
How to quote an article: A. Ivanov, A. Pron’ko Determination of strength of steel with use of method of local destruction. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2008. 10. P. 105-109 [in Russian]


Donbass State Technical University, Alchevsk, Ukraine
Donbass State Technical University, Alchevsk, Ukraine


Determination of physics-mechanical characteristics of metal in operative constructions is intricate and labor intensive problem, taking into account discordance of characteristics both on length and on width of section. Traditional methods of estimation of strength of metal are complex and hardly practicable for operative 
constructions. It is offered method “cut of thread”, which represents non-sample method (i.e. without withdrawal
of material from construction).


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