Research of the impact of the road on wildlife safety and ways to solve it

Number: Issue 21(2020)
Section: Environmental protection technologies
The page spacing of the article: 77-85
Keywords: road, ecoduct, migration of animals, natural environment
How to quote an article: Olesia Yaroshchuk, Nataliia Kharytonova, Tetiana Lozova Research of the impact of the road on wildlife safety and ways to solve it // Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. – 2020. – Iss. 21. – P. 77-85. [in Ukrainian].


M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise – DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise – DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. As a result of the development of the road complex of Ukraine and the expansion of the transportation network, it is essential to construct motor roads near the places of habitation and migration of wild animals. As a result, there is a risk of wildlife-vehicle collisions.In order to protect animals and increase traffic safety on public roads, it is necessary to construct engineering structures to ensure animal migration.

Issue statement. European and other countries have a great expertise in issues such as the organization of ecoducts, how they should be equipped, and their design. But in Ukrainian practice, the issues of the engineering structures construction for animal migration are not sufficiently covered. Thus, there was a necessity in investigations and development of recommendations for design and construction of ecoducts for animals in  conditions of Ukrainian natural environment.

Objective.The aim of the work is a series of guidelines for the construction of engineering structures to ensure the passage of animals across the roads, as well as to identify places where it is necessary to construct ecoducts first and foremost.

Materials and methods. In order to identify the places where it is necessary to primarily construct ecoducts for animals, monitoring of accidents has been conducted over the past 5 years for the identification of wildlife-vehicle collisions for the main motor roads of Ukraine.

Based on these data, routes of dangerous sections of public roads have been established.

Results. The result of the work is a series of guidelines, taking into account the current legislation and regulatory acts, which will ensure the construction of engineering structures for the passage of animals across the roads. It is proposed that these engineering structures should be constructed at the areas with the maximum number of accidents involving animals. Black spots can be seen on the map of motor roads of Ukraine using an interactive link which is provided in the developed guidelines.

Conclusions. The developed guidelines will ensure reduction of the number of road accidents, promote environmental protection, preservation of the natural landscape, vegetation, diversity of animal life in our country.


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