Models and methods of the technological maturity development of self-managed organizations in the context of using the syncretic methodology

Номер: Випуск 30(2024)
Розділ: Економіка. Менеджмент
Cторінковий інтервал статті: 59-69
Ключові слова: infrastructure restoration projects, program and project management, maturity model, syncretic methodology, self-managed organization.
Як цитувати статтю: Andrii Ivko, Models and methods of the technological maturity developmentof self-managed organizations in the context of using the syncretic methodology. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2024. Issue 30. P. 59–69 [in Ukrainian].
Як цитувати статтю (references): Andrii Ivko, Models and methods of the technological maturity developmentof self-managed organizations in the context of using the syncretic methodology. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2024. Issue 30. P. 59–69 [in Ukrainian].


Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Infrastructure restoration projects of Ukraine are being implemented in the difficult conditions of war and many challenges. To increase the effectiveness of their implementation, project-oriented organizations need an effective management system. At the same time, it is necessary not only to apply innovative models and methods of project management developed by the world's leading organizations and companies, but also to create our own scientific developments, taking into account complex environmental conditions. Since restoration projects are related to the construction industry, which is one of the locomotives of the Ukraine's economy development as a whole. Therefore, the development of new models and methods of increasing the effectiveness of project-oriented organizations is an urgent scientific task.

Problem statement. The problems of management systems development of project-oriented organizations implementing restoration projects using modern (including syncretic) project management methodologies are described. The need to improve the efficiency of such management systems is emphasized. The importance of developing a syncretic maturity model for use by project-oriented organizations for the implementation of recovery projects within the syncretic project management methodology is substantiated. The scientific task of developing a model of syncretic maturity in the field of project management for use in the researched type of projects is formulated.

Purpose. Development of the technological maturity model for self-managed organizations in the context of the syncretic methodology use in the implementation of infrastructure restoration projects by such organizations, and models and methods set identification for syncretic technological maturity development in project management.

Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, the following models and methods were used: research of literary sources, methods of analysis and synthesis, models and methods of classification and structuring, models of technological maturity, methods of identification. The materials for the analysis were projects and portfolios of infrastructure restoration projects, the implementation of which is overseen by the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (SARDI).

The results. In the further development of Harold Kerzner's technological maturity model, the Syncretic Technological Maturity Model (SMMM) in project management is proposed. The model includes seven levels of technological maturity: syncretic language, syncretic processes, integrated (project and operational) processes, a singular project methodology, a singular integrated methodology, integrated benchmarking (the process of borrowing and implementing best practices), continuous integrated improvements. A graphical view of the model is provided. A set of models and methods are proposed that are required to achieve each level of technological maturity according to the SMMM model. As well as the multitude of models and methods that must be used to stay at the current level of maturity.

Conclusions. The development of new models and methods of improving the efficiency of restoration project management systems is an urgent scientific and practically significant task. Within the proposed syncretic approach, this article has developed a Syncretic Technological Maturity Model in project management for use by self-managed organizations in infrastructure restoration projects in Ukraine. Models and methods of transition to each subsequent level of syncretic maturity are described, as well as models and methods, the use of which allows you to stay at the current level. The use of these models is designed to streamline and systematize the project management system of project-oriented organizations implementing restoration projects, which can increase the transparency, flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of such management systems. A SWOT analysis of the proposed models was conducted, which proved the prospects of the studied approaches. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are outlined.


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