Methodological aspects of price monitoring system on road building materials

Number: Issue 18(2018)
Section: Economy. Management
The page spacing of the article: 5-14
Keywords: road building materials, monitoring, cost of construction works.
How to quote an article: Аrtem Bezuglyi, Yuliya Bibyk, Bohdan Stasiuk. Methodological aspects of price monitoring system on road building materials. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2018. 18. P. 5-14 [in Ukrainian]


M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. In Ukraine, there are the preconditions for the need to address the issue on improving the price monitoring system on basic road building materials, products and structures used during the new construction, reconstruction, overhaul and current repairs and operational maintenance of public roads.
Problem statement. During the investment process, current prices on basic road building materials should be used by both, customers and contractors for ensuring the rational use of budget resources. When compiling the tender offer price of a tenderer during the procurement procedure (contract price) for the performance of road works, the cost of material resources must be accepted by the contractor at the lowest price that was determined based on his monitoring of prices in the market of road building materials in the region and taking into account their qualitative characteristics, terms and supply volumes. The determination of the minimum, average and maximum regional prices is carried out by monitoring, analyzing and studying the prices on the basic road building materials used during new construction, reconstruction, overhaul and current repairs and operational maintenance of public roads. 
Purpose. The purpose of the study isupdating the price monitoring system on basic road building materials, products and structures used during the new construction, reconstruction, overhaul and current repairs and operational maintenance of public roads, as well as bringing it in compliance with the European Standards and taking into account the specifics of each individual region of Ukraine. 
Materials and methods. The analysis of domestic and foreign methods of prices monitoring is given to determine the most relevant ways of its implementation for further possibility to control the cost of the facilities of road construction works in general. During prices monitoring, it is important to use modern methods of statistical analysis. In order to conduct analysis and select the lowest prices, it is recommended to check the sufficiency of the sampling amount and eliminate the «gross errors»from the sample - such prices that are significantly different from the lowest / highest price in the data file.
Results. The monitoring of prices in the market of the region should result in timely and qualitative information on the real status of the development of the price situation in the local market; lead to the formation of a strategy for the prices development and to the development of specific measures to prevent negative trends related to pricing. The mechanism for monitoring the prices on basic road building materials, products and structures should be based on such main principles as the reliability of information on the state of the consumer market, objectivity, timeliness and efficiency, representativeness.
Conclusions. Taking into account that the cost of materials makes about 60 % in the structure of the cost of road works, the use of optimal (as a rule, the lowest of all equal characteristics) prices will allow rational use of budget funds.


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