Research on a colmatant additive and its application prospects in road cement concrete

Number: Issue 30(2024)
Section: Construction and civil engineering
The page spacing of the article: 228-243
Keywords: highway, rigid pavement, strength, pavement, cement concrete.
How to quote an article: Oleksandr Kryvobok, Mykola Bykovets. Research on a colmatant additive and its application prospects in road cement concrete. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2024. Issue 30. P. 228–243 [in Ukrainian].


State Enterprise «National Institute of Infrastructure Development» (SE «NIDI»), Kyiv, Ukraine
State Enterprise “National Institute for Development Infrastructurt” (SE “NIDI”), Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Cement concrete, like most other porous materials, easily absorbs and retains moisture. Moisture can be absorbed by the reinforced concrete foundation if there are defects in the external waterproofing layer, leading to the development of mold, mildew, efflorescence, reinforcement corrosion, and damage to the finishing materials in the basement. The greatest danger is that frozen water expands and, through its pressure, destroys the structure from within. Waterproofing additives in cement concrete are used to improve the strength, corrosion resistance, impermeability, and frost resistance of concrete. 

Problem Statement. Ensuring the reliability of road pavement in the post-war period. 

Objective. To investigate the feasibility of using a waterproofing additive in a cement concrete mix using the example of the colmatant additive Penetron Admix. 

Results. Tests were conducted, and the feasibility of using a waterproofing additive in a cement concrete mix was analyzed, using the example of the colmatant additive Penetron Admix. 

Conclusions. The study evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of using a waterproofing additive in a cement concrete mix, using the example of the colmatant additive Penetron Admix, and laboratory tests of the physical and mechanical properties of cement concrete were carried out. 


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