Lifetime engineering principles in highway asset management

Number: Issue 30(2024)
Section: Economy. Management
The page spacing of the article: 83-95
Keywords: road asset management, lifetime engineering, pavement structural design, road maintenance, environmental protection.
How to quote an article: Zsolt Bencze, László Gáspár. Lifetime engineering principles in highway asset management. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2024. Issue 30. P. 83–95 [in Ukrainian].


KTI Hungarian Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics Non-Profit Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
KTI Hungarian Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics Non-Profit Ltd., Budapest, Hungary


Introduction. An important tendency of our time is sustainability, good value for money and long-term planning. These are also the goals of the recently developed discipline, lifetime engineering. Although the principles of the science were originally developed for buildings and engineering structures, they can also be adapted to public roads.The article — through a case study in Hungary — presents the applicability of life engineering science to public road asset management. Besides, examples of pavement structure design, durability, maintenance-operation and environmental protection are also presented.

Problem Statement. The typical lifetime engineering science principles used in the presentation were: increasing (pavement) life cycle; complex, multi-disciplinary design methodology; modular design; effective, quality insurance methods; high level satisfaction of the customers’ needs; minimisation of lifetime costs; sustainable, end-of-life strategies. It is emphasized that lifetime engineering is based on specific basic principles that effectively promote an up-to-date approach to any discipline related to engineering infrastructure. The paper shows that the efficacy of a road asset management. can be considerably increased if some elements of lifetime engineering are utilized.

Purpose. Road asset management is a vital tool to the traffic management of every country in preserving the value of their highway network and to satisfy continuously the needs of road users at a high level.

Materials and Methods. The main principles of lifetime engineering and the major ambitions of road asset management are considered as starting point (“material”) of the paper. A case study is shown on the possible combination of the previous two sciences.

Results. The article — through a case study in Hungary — presents and proves the applicability of lifetime engineering science to public road asset management. This very fact is supported by several examples of pavement structure design, durability, road maintenance-operation and environmental protection.


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