The mechanism for evaluation of the efficiency of the energy servicing in the road economy

Number: Issue 18(2018)
Section: Economy. Management
The page spacing of the article: 15-25
Keywords: energy servicing, energy saving performance contract, energy efficiency, performance indicator.
How to quote an article: Artem Bezuglyi, Тaras Pechonchyk, Nataliia Mudrychenko, Yuliia Makovska. The mechanism for evaluation of the efficiency of the energy servicing in the road economy. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2018. 18. P. 15-25 [in Ukrainian]


M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine
State Enterprise «National Institute for Infrastructure Development» (SE «NIDI»), Kyiv, Ukraine
State Enterprise «National Institute for Infrastructure Development» (SE «NIDI»), Kyiv, Ukraine
State Enterprise “National Institute for Development Infrastructure“ (SE “NIDI”), Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Ukraine is an energy-deficient country and it imports a significant share of energy carriers for its own needs. At the same time, the energy intensity of the domestic economy is in 3-4 times higher than the corresponding indicators of economically developed countries which makes the country an extremely sensitive and vulnerable to the import of energy resources and, at the same time, complicates ensuring the normal living conditions of its residents and of the country as a whole. 
Purpose. The purpose of the study is an analysis of the mechanisms for evaluation of the efficiency of the energy servicing in the road economy, identifying the issues in this matter and finding the methods for their solution.
Research methods. During research, the methods of complex and system analysis were used; abstract-logical, graphical, statistical, calculation-structural, comparative analysis, etc. were applied. 
Problem statement. Increasing energy efficiency is very important nowadays because the cost of energy resources is rapidly increasing and the use of renewable energy resources is at an initial level (about 2.7% of the total primary energy consumption). However, the used resources are consumed extremely uneconomically. One of the main reasons for that is the slow rate of modernization of industry, the major part of which was created during the Soviet epoch with its very liberal energy  prices. One of the methods of increasing the energy efficiency in road economy is the conclusion of energy savings performance contracts with the appropriate enterprises and organizations which provide a set of energy saving measures. Therefore, in order to assess the market players' proposals on energy saving measures, it is required to develop clear requirements for determining the indicator of the energy saving performance contracts efficiency.
Conclusions. To accelerate the implementation of energy efficient technologies, it is required to improve the mechanisms for stimulating the energy saving at the national and industrial levels. This updates should be considered, first of all, within strict performance of energy saving and energy efficiency programs, the use of renewable energy sources as an important organizational and technical measure to ensure the mass implementation of energy saving technologies.


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