Method of determining of the factor of fatigue of cement-concrete samples under the action of cyclic load

Number: Issue 17(2017)
Section: Materials
The page spacing of the article: 67-72
Keywords: fatigue indicator, cement-concrete prism samples, load cycling, road topping design, strength factor.
How to quote an article: Sergii Vozny. Method of determining of the factor of fatigue of cement-concrete samples under the action of cyclic load. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2017. 17. P. 67-72 [in Ukrainian]


National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukrainе


The article offers a method for making specimen prisms. It also suggests a technique for the procedure of determining the fatigue indicator, with cyclic loads applied to cement-concrete samples, by using the criterion of ultimate tensile strength during bending. Treatment of results enables using the strength factor to design road toppings.


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