Method for determining the thermal resistance of reinforcing synthetic materials

Number: Issue 18(2018)
Section: Construction and civil engineering
The page spacing of the article: 70-83
Keywords: reinforcing synthetic materials, road pavement structure, thermal impact, tensile strength, elongation, change in linear dimensions, criteria for evaluation of thermal stability.
How to quote an article: Ihor Gameliak, Ivan Bernatsky, Liudmyla Dmytrenko. Method for determining the thermal resistance of reinforcing synthetic materials. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2018. 18. P. 70-83 [in Ukrainian]


National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukrainе
National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukrainе
National University Technology and design, Kyiv, Ukrainе


Introduction. Synthetic reinforcing materials (RSM) of various structures and raw materials are widely used in modern technologies of construction of roads for reinforcement of layers of road structures which ensures their durability and reliability.
Problem statement. When the road surface is arranged, due to the impact of hot asphalt concrete on the reinforcing layer, there is a heat stroke which may cause excessive deformation (increasing or decreasing the linear dimensions) of the RSM.
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for determining the resistance to thermal impacts of samples of RSM in contact with granular material heated to the set temperature.
Materials and methods. For the study, typical RSM of different raw materials are selected which are used as a reinforcing material at the arrangement of roads, etc.
Results. Tesile strength of the RSM on the basis of raw material with increasing temperature of heating: from polypropylene - decreases bylinear dependence; from fiberglass – does not change; from polyester and polyvinyl alcohol - increases linearly by the linear dependence.
Tensile strength of the RSM along the sample’s width on the basis of different raw materials for all tested materials with increasing heating temperature is reduced by linear dependence and is characterized by a significant spread of data (6-10%), especially for fiberglass (up to 12%). Elongation of RSM: from fiberglass (alongthe length and width of the specimen) – does not change when the heating temperature of the grid is changed and in average is 3.1 %; from polyester – increases from 10.1 to 25 % by exponential dependence (along the length of the sample) and by linear dependence from 10,1 to 17,0 % (along the width of the sample) with increasing temperature of the grid heating; from polypropylene – slightly increases by linear dependence (along the length of the sample) and practically does not change (along the width of the sample) with increasing temperature of the grid heating and is characterized by a large spread of data. For RSM from polyvinyl alcohol, the size does not change (the elongation is constant along the length of the sample) and the elongation from 8.8 to 6.0 % (along width of the sample) decreases with increasing the temperature of the grid heating, from the ambient temperature to 250 °C.
Conclusion. In the article, the method for determining the resistance to thermal impact of the reinforcing synthetic materials (RSM) samples in contact with the granular material heated up to the established temperature is developed that is modeling the temperature impactsat the arrangement of asphalt layers of road pavement structures.


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