Order of registration and submission of publications
Procedure of the manuscript submission for publication
Manuscript for publication is submitted to the editors of the Collection of scientific papers "Dorogi i Mosti" (Roads and Bridges) or is sent to the e-mail of the collection: roads_bridges@dorndi.org.ua.
When submitted directly to the editors of the collection, it should be in a hard copy in duplicate and its electronic version is sent to the e-mail of the collection roads_bridges@dorndi.org.ua. The electronic version of the article should fully correspond to the hard copy. The manuscript must be signed on each page by all the co-authors or their responsible representative.
When submitting the manuscript of the publication to the collection's e-mail address, an email is sent from the e-mail address which is indicated on the author’s ORCID page.
The following is added to the manuscript:
1) Cover letter from the author (in case of the collective work of the authors - from the responsible representative) in accordance with the established form (see Annex A). The cover letter can be submitted both, in a hard copy or electronically to the e-mail of the scientific collection. The name of the specialty upon which the article is submitted (051 “Economics”; 073 “Management”; 183 “Environmental protection technology”; 192 “Building and civil engineering”; 193 “Geodesy and land management”; 194 “Hydraulic engineering, water engineering and water technology”; 263 “Civil security”; 275 “Transport technology (by type)”) should be indicated in the cover letter.
2) Information on the authors is to be provided in the established format (see Annex B). Information on the authors must be submitted in two languages - in Ukrainian and in English.
3) A review of the manuscript by a scientist who has an academic degree and conducts the research under the specialties of the collection and has published at least one manuscript in the editions included to the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine or foreign editions included in Web of Science Core Collection and / or Scopus for the last three years or has a monograph or sections of monographs published by international publishing houses related to categories A, B or C according to the classification of the Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE).
A review of the manuscript may be sent to the e-mail address of the collection by the reviewer from his e-mail, which is indicated on his personal page ORCID.
In the event if the manuscript does not meet the requirements for the processing and submission of manuscripts for publication in the collection of scientific works "Dorogi i mosti" which are specified in this Procedure, the manuscript is not accepted for consideration.
Procedure of the manuscript processing
The scope of the manuscript: 7-15 pages, A4 format (not less than 12 thousand printed characters and not more than 30 thousand printed characters with spaces without considering the references and abstracts). The languages of the manuscript are Ukrainian, English. The manuscript should include the following structural elements:
- UDC;
- information on the author(s) - last name and initials, academic degree, ORCID (in the case of a collective article - the authors are listed in the alphabetical order)
- principal place of the author(s)’s work;
- the manuscript’s title;
- abstract (in the language of the manuscript) of at least 1800 characters;
- keywords (in the language of the manuscript);
- introduction which outlines the issues, the relevance of the chosen topic, the analysis of recent research and publications, the purpose and objectives of the paper;
- a presentation of the core material of the research and the obtained results;
- conclusions summarizing the work and prospects of further research in this direction;
- references;
- the title of the manuscript in English if the language of the manuscript is Ukrainian or in Ukrainian if the manuscript is in English;
- information on the author (authors) in English if the language of the manuscript is Ukrainian or information on the author (authors) in Ukrainian if the language of the manuscript is English: name and surname , academic degree, ORCIDID;
- the abstract in English if the language of the manuscript in Ukrainian or the abstract in Ukrainian if the language of the manuscript is English of at least 1800 characters
- keywords in English if the language of the manuscript in Ukrainian or keywords in Ukrainian if the language of the manuscript in English.
The abstract should reflect the consistent logic of the results; describe the main purpose of the study and summarize the most significant results. In the abstract, it is required to specify the following structural parts: in Ukrainian - вступ, проблематика, мета, матеріали й методи, результати, висновки; In English - Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
General requirements for manuscript preparation
The text of the article must be in the Microsoft Word editor * .rtf (prefer), *.doc format, Times New Roman type, type size 11, 1 interval, 0 pt after the paragraph. The paragraph indention is 1,0 cm. The margins (with the header) are set like mirror margins with the following dimensions: upper - 20 mm; bottom - 40 mm; inside - 30 mm; outside - 20 mm.
UDC are capitalized (upper case) and highlighted in bold (alignment – left, without indention). Surname and initials (in Ukrainian), surname and the first name (in English) are printed in capital letters and bold, ORCIDID, and an academic degree are printed in capital letters in italics (alignment - to the left, without indention). The principal place of work is printed on a new line in capital letters in italics (alignment - in width, without indention). If the authors have different principal places of work, then their names and initials are specified by the index which is specified before the work place. The title of the article is printed in capital letters and highlighted in bold (centered alignment). The titles of subsections are typed in capital letters and in bold; before and after the header, the interval of 6 pt is set (centered alignment). Subheadings are printed in capital letters in italics and highlighted in bold (alignment - to the left, starting with the paragraph).
Figures containing the illustrations (photo, drawing, figure) should be with the space of one line from the main text.
For charts and graphs, you need to add a source file with data and values (built-in Exel table). Using charts and graphs, you use JPG, TIFF, PNG formats with a resolution of at least 500Х500 points.
The figures are numbered in the order of their location in the text; parts of the figures are numbered in letters - a, b, ... The Figures containing the graphs should be presented as Microsoft Office charts. All captions in the drawings must be in Times New Roman, 9-11 type size. The word "Figure" and the Figure’s number should be typed below the illustration, bold and left justified. The name of the Figure is given using the hyphen and in upper case letters. It is prohibited to duplicate information in tabular form and in figures.
Tables should be prepared using the MS Word table editor and presented in the text after the first reference to the table in the text with its number and title. Tables should be given over the width of the sheet, book layout, 9-11 type size. The word "Table" and the table’s number should be placed above the tables, right justified and bold. The Table’s name should be placed in the middle above the table. If the table is wide, it should be presented in the book layout with the orientation of the text to 90º. In the case of the table transfer to another page, it is indicated "Continuation of Table N", with the duplicate of the table’s heading. It is prohibited to duplicate information in tabular form and in figures.
Formulas should be presented using the MathType formula editor. It is necessary to provide definitions of values or abbreviations that are used for the first time in the text with the subsequent use of the appropriate term. The formulas are numbered on the right side along the edge of the page. The legend of the equations after the word "where" are given identically to the symbols in the formula using the MathType formula editor. In the publications (abstracts) in English, a dot should be in numbers to indicate the digit capacity (for example, 172.15). In the manuscripts (abstracts), in Ukrainian, in the numbers for indicating the digit capacity comma should be used (for example, 172,05).
References should be presented at the end of the article. References are numbered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text of the article. The references to unpublished and unfinished papers are inadmissible. References on books (monographs, separate chapters, etc.), articles from scientific periodical editions, conference procedures, patents and author's certificates, abstracts of theses, electronic resources are possible. References should consist of two parts: «Список літератури» та «REFERENCES».
“Список літератури” is the sources in the original language prepared in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliographic description (DSTU 8302: 2015: Bibliographic Reference - General Terms and Rules of Composition, Kyiv, 2016). The titles of articles, monographs, collections, works, abstracts, abstracts of theses and preprints should be indicated fully. For the articles it is mandatory to indicate the last names of all co-authors (if the authors are from one to seven; if from eight or more authors –the first six authors should be listed and followed by three dots (...) and the last author indicated); after that the title of the edition in the language of the original, the place of publication (indicating a full name of the city), the year of issue, the volume’s number, the numbers of initial and final pages. For monographs it is necessary to indicate the names of all co-authors (if authors from one to seven; if from eight or more authors - list the first six authors, put three dots (...) and indicate the last author), then the name of the monograph, the place of publication (indicate a full name of the city), the year of publication, total number of pages. The author's name and surname as well as the title of the publication (monograph) must be indicated in the original language.
“References” is the list of literature translated into English and transliterated in the Latin alphabet and is prepared in accordance with the international style of scientific publications processing. That is, in the case where the reference is made to the source which name is in English (including in the case of an abstract in English), then in the section "References" it is given in English. In the case where the referenced source does not have its name in English, it is translated in the "References" section in the Latin alphabet and, in parentheses, an English translation. The names of periodical issues (magazines) are given in accordance with the official Latin way of writing by the registration number https://doi.org/10.15407/scin13.05.019 to the source.
Examples of how references should be listed
Список літератури
Законодавчі акти:
1. Про автомобільні дороги: Закон України від 08.09.2005 N 2862-IV, редакція від 25.03.2018 N 2304-VIII // База даних Законодавство України / Верховна рада України. URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2862-15 (дата звернення: 15.10.2018).
2. Про публічні закупівлі: Закон України від 25.12.2015 N 922-VIII // База даних Законодавство України / Верховна рада України. URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/922-19 (дата звернення: 17.07.2018).
3. Державна програма підвищення рівня безпеки дорожнього руху в Україні на період до 2020 року: Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 25.04.2018 N 435 // База даних Законодавство України / Кабінет Міністрів України. URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/435-2018-%D0%BF (дата звернення: 15.10.2018).
4. Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management (Директива 2008/96/ЄС від 19 листопада 2008 року «Про управління безпекою дорожньої інфраструктури») // База даних законодавство Європейського союзу. URL: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32008L0096 (дата звернення: 15.10.2018).
Нормативні документи:
1. ДБН В.2.3-6:2009 Споруди транспорту. Мости та труби. Обстеження і випробування. Київ, 2009. 48 c. (Інформація та документація)
2. ДСТУ 2587:2010 Безпека дорожнього руху. Розмітка дорожня. Загальні технічні вимоги. Методи контролювання. Правила застосування. Київ, 2011. 59 с. (Інформація та документація).
3. СОУ 42.1-37641918-050:2012 Порядок визначення вартості капітального ремонту автомобільних доріг загального користування (державного та місцевого значення). Київ, 2014. 31 с. (Інформація та документація).
4. ГБН В.2.3-37641918-544:2014 Застосування геосинтетичних матеріалів у дорожніх конструкціях. Основні вимоги. Київ, 2014. 147 с. (Інформація та документація).
Статті в журналах:
1. Бондар Т.В., Нагребельна Л.П., Кононенко А.О., Беленчук О.В., Ольхова М.Ю., Петрашенко О.П. Рейтинг мережі доріг державного значення за даними аварійності 2017 року. Дорогі і мости. Київ, 2017. Вип. 17. С. 89–96.
2. Єфименко Р.В, Попович Н.І., Беленчук О.В. Аналіз причин виникнення ДТП і розроблення заходів із підвищення безпеки дорожнього руху. Автошляховик України. Київ, 2015. N 6 (238). С. 34–35.
3. Безуглий А.О., Бібик Ю.М., Бельська О.Л. Кошторисне ціноутворення в дорожньому господарстві: вітчизняна практика та міжнародний досвід. Дорожня галузь України. Київ, 2017. N 4. С. 45 –48.
4. Гамеляк І.П., Бернадський І.І., Дмитренко Л.А., Шатило Т.В. Визначення теплостійкості та термостійкості геоґраток при армуванні асфальтобетонних покриттів. Автомобільні дороги і дорожнє будівництво. Київ, 2014. Вип. 91. С. 41–51.
1. Мозговий В.В., Дорошенко Ю.М., Онищенко А.М., Кузьмінець М.П., Смолянець В.В., Заіченко В.В. Будівельне матеріалознавство в дорожньому будівництві: навч. посіб. Київ, 2014. 415 с.
Матеріали конференцій:
1. Богдан Т.Р. Физика импульсных разрядов в конденсированных средах. Материалы ХVI Международной научной конференции (19-22 авг. 2013, г. Николаев). Николаев, 2013. C. 25–35.
2. Далудіна А.М., Кутас Е.О., Внукова Н.В. Аналіз та оцінка шумового навантаження при функціонуванні автотранспортних систем. Захист навколишнього середовища. Збалансоване природокористування: збірник матеріалів 2-го Міжнародного студентського конгресу (23–24 квітня 2015 р., м. Львів,). Львів, 2015. С. 31–32.
1. Патент України № 25742. Соколова Д.О., Берестяна А.М. Люмінесцентний матеріал.
Авторські свідоцтва:
1. А. с. 1810306 СССР, МКИ5 С 02 F 1/469. Способ деминерализации водных расворов / В.Д. Гребенюк, Н.П. Стрижак, В.В. Гончарук, А.О. Самсони-Тодоров, А.В. Гречко. № 4934753; заявл. 08.05.91; опубл. 23.04.93, Бюл. № 15.
Дисертації та автореферати дисертацій:
1. Кашина Н.І. Проектування в'язанних георешіток із заданими експлуатаційними властивостями: дис. … канд. техн. наук. Санкт-Петербург, 2014. 172 с.
2. Аксьонов С.Ю. Метод розрахунку довговічності асфальтобетонного покриття на металевих транспортних спорудах: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук. Київ, 2016. 20 с.
Електронні ресурси віддаленого доступу:
1. Наукові публікації і видавнича діяльність НАН України. Київ, 2007. URL: http://www.nas.gov.ua/publications (дата звернення: 19.03.2014).
Legislative acts:
1. Pro avtomobilni dorohy: Law of Ukraine of 08.09.2005 N 2862-IV, editorial office of 25.03.2018 N 2304-VIII // Database of Legislation of Ukraine / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2862-15 (Last accessed: 15.10.2018). [in Ukrainian]
2. Pro publichni zakupivli: Law of Ukraine of 25.12.2015 N 922-VIII // Database of Legislation of Ukraine / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/922-19 (Last accessed: 17.07.2018). [in Ukrainian]
3. Derzhavna prohrama pidvyshchennia rivnia bezpeky dorozhnoho rukhu v Ukraini na period do 2020 roku: Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.04.2018 N 435 // Database of Legislation of Ukraine / Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/435-2018-%D0%BF (Last accessed: 15.10.2018). [in Ukrainian]
4. Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management // European union law. URL: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32008L0096 (Last accessed: 15.10.2018). [in Ukrainian]
Regulations documents:
1. State Building Norms (DBN V.2.3-6:2009) Sporudy transportu. Mosty ta truby. Obstezhennia i vyprobuvannia (Transport facilities. Bridges and pipes. Inspection and testing). Kyiv, 2010. 48 p. (Information and documentation) [in Ukrainian].
2. State Standard of Ukraine (DSTU 2587:2010) Bezpeka dorozhnogo ruhu. Rozmitka dorozhnya. Zagalni tehnichni vimogi. Metodi kontrolyuvannya. Pravila zastosuvannya. Kyiv, 2011. 59 p. (Information and documentation) [in Ukrainian].
3. Standard of organization of Ukraine (SOU 42.1-37641918-085:2012) Poriadok vyznachennia vartosti kapitalnoho remontu avtomobilnykh dorih zahalnoho korystuvannia (derzhavnoho ta mistsevoho znachennia). Kyiv, 2017. 44 p. (Information and documentation) [in Ukrainian].
4. Departmental Building Norms (GBN V.2.3-37641918-544:2014) Zastosuvannia heosyntetychnykh materialiv u dorozhnikh konstruktsiiakh. Osnovni vymohy (Application of geosynthetic materials in road constructions. Basic requirements). Kyiv, 2014. 147 p. (Information and documentation) [in Ukrainian].
Articles in magazines:
1. Tetyana Bondar, Liudmyla Nagrebelna, Alla Kononenko, Olga Belenchuk, Mariya Olhova, Olexiy Petrashenko. The rating of national roads network according to accidents in 2017. Dorogi і mosti. Kiev, 2017. 17. P. 89–96 [in Ukrainian].
2. Yefymenko R.V, Popovych N.I., Belenchuk O.V. Analiz prychyn vynyknennia DTP i rozroblennia zakhodiv iz pidvyshchennia bezpeky dorozhnoho rukhu. Avtošlâhovik Ukraïni. Kiev, 2015. 6 (238). Р. 34–35. [in Ukrainian].
3. Bezuhlyi A.O., Bibyk Yu.M., Belska O.L. Koshtorysne tsinoutvorennia v dorozhnomu hospodarstvi: vitchyzniana praktyka ta mizhnarodnyi dosvid. Dorozhnia haluz Ukrainy. Kiev, 2017. 4. P. 45–48. [in Ukrainian].
4. Hameliak I.P., Bernadskyi I.I., Dmytrenko L.A., Shatylo T.V. Vyznachennia teplostiikosti ta termostiikosti heogratok pry armuvanni asfaltobetonnykh pokryttiv (Determination of heat resistance and heat resistance of geogrids during reinforcement of asphalt concrete coatings). Avtomobìlʹnì dorogi ì dorožnê budìvnictvo. Kiev, 2014. 91. P. 41–51. [in Ukrainian].
1. Mozghovyi V.V., Doroshenko Yu.M., Onyshchenko A.M., Kuzminets M.P., Smolianets V.V., Zaichenko V.V. Budivelne materialoznavstvo v dorozhnomu budivnytstvi: Tutorial. Kiev, 2014. 415 с.
2. Mook, D. (2014). Classic experiments in psychology. Westport: Greenwood.
Williams, J. M. (Ed.). (2016). Applied sport psychology: peak performance (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
3. Lee-Chai, A. Y., & Bargh, J.A. (Eds.). (2011). The use and Multiple perspectives on the causes of corruption. Press.
Conferences materials:
1. Jodell, F., Russell, F., Tepper, K., Todd, P. & Zahora, T. (2016, July). Joined at the hip: partnerships between librarians advisers. Poster session presented at the International Medical Librarianship, Brisbane.
2. Gameliak I, Zhurba, G., Kostryckyy, V. & Dmitrenko, L. Determination of geosynthetic materials resistance to cyclic loading (Визначення стійкості геосинтетичних матеріалів до циклічного навантаження). Proceedings of the 9th Internet Conference on Geosynthetics. Guaruja, 2010. 3. P. 631–634. [in Brazil].
3. Daludina A.M., Kutas E.O., Vnukova N.V. Analiz ta otsinka shumovoho navantazhennia pry funktsionuvanni avtotransportnykh system. Zakhyst navkolyshnoho seredovyshcha. Zbalansovane pryrodokorystuvannia: a collection of materials of the 2nd International Student Congress (23–24 аpril 2015, Lviv). Lviv, 2015. Р. 31–32. [in Ukrainian].
1. Patent of Ukraine N 39628. Kliuk B.O., Shymko R.Ya., Vecherik R.L., Khaetskyi Yu.B., Halii P.P., Hresko T.M., Prytula M.H., Pyanylo Ya.D., Prytula N.M. Method for determination of optimal operation of wells in combination with operation of other wells and, respectively, underground gas storage [in Ukrainian].
Copyright certificates:
1. A. s. 1810306 SSSR, MKI5 S 02 F 1/469. Sposob demineralizacii vodnyh rasvorov. V.D. Grebenjuk, N P. Strizhak, V.V. Goncharuk, A.O. Samsoni-Todorov, A.V. Grechko. No. 4934753; zajavl. 08.05.91; opubl. 23.04.93, Bjul. No. 15.
Dissertations and abstracts of dissertations:
1. Kashyna N.I. Proektuvannia viazannykh heoreshitok iz zadanymy ekspluatatsiinymy vlastyvostiamy (Designing knitted geogrids with given operational properties). PhD (Ing.). St. Petersburg, 2014. 172 p. [in Rusian].
2. Aksenov S.Y. (2016). The method of calculating durability of asphalt pavement on metal structures. PhD (Ing.) Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].
3. Bozeman, A. Jr. (2007). Age of onset as predictor of cognitive children with seizure disorders. (Doctoral dissertation). Proquest Dissertations and Theses. (UMI 3259752).
4. Imber, A. (2003). Applicant reactions to graduate recruitment. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Monash University, Victoria, Australia.
Electronic resources of remote access:
1. Scientific publications and publishing activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. URL: http://www.nas.gov.ua/publications (Last accessed: 19.03.2014). [in Ukrainian]
Annex A
To: Editor-in-Chief of the Collection of scientific papers "Dorogi I Mosti"
Artem Bezuglyi
Author’s last name, first name, patronymic
(in case of collective work of authors - last name, first name, patronymic of responsible representative)
I hereby submit the manuscript of the publication ________ for consideration and further publication in the Collection of scientific papers “Dorogi I Mosti" .
(surname and initials of the authors)
(name of publication manuscript)
which corresponds to the specialty ____________________________________.
(specialty corresponding to the scientific topics of the collection)
Contributions presented in the manuscript of the publication are submitted for publication for the first time.
1. Manuscript of publication «________________________________________
________________________________», (2 copies in the amount of __ pages);
(title of the article)
2. Information about the authors (1 copy in the amount of __ pages).
3. Review (1copy in the amount of __ pages).
Date Signature
Annex B
Information on the authors of the article
(Article’s title)
Surname and name |
The principal place of work of the author (full postal address of the company / organization), position, contact number and e-mail address |
Information on the academic degree |
Personal contribution |
Profiles of the authors (ORCID / Scopus / Google Scholar) |
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