Forecasting the durability of cement concrete road pavement from vehicles

Number: Issue 25(2022)
Section: Construction and civil engineering
The page spacing of the article: 77–86
Keywords: road, fatigue, durability, stress, pavement, vehicle, crack resistance, cement concrete
How to quote an article: Artur Onyshchenko, Sergii Tsepelev, Nataliia Chyzhenko. Forecasting the durability of cement concrete road cover from vehicles. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2022. Iss. 25. P. 77–86 [in Ukrainian].


National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukrainе
National Transport University (NTU), Kyiv, Ukraine
National Transport University (NTU), Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the intensity of vehicle traffic on highways around the world, the share of trucks and road trains with an increased number of axles, total load capacity, increased tire pressure is growing.

Problems. When designing pavement, the required margin of strength of the layer material to repeat the load should be assigned depending on traffic intensity, traffic flow, its distribution across the width of the roadway, road life and the ability of the material to resist destruction from fatigue.

Goal. Develop a method for predicting the durability of cement concrete pavement from the action of vehicles.

Results. On the basis of the given theoretical researches it is offered to define a degree of damage of structure of a cement concrete covering from action of vehicles. As is known from the above analysis, the modulus of elasticity of cement concrete pavement on highways is variable from the time of loading, and also confirmed by the results of theoretical and experimental studies of scientists such as Solodkoy S. Y., Levitsky E. F., Chernigova V. A. , Radovsky B. S., Mozgovoy V. V., Sheikina A. E etc. Therefore, tensile stresses arise from the action of vehicles in the cement-concrete pavement of highways and fatigue damage occurs over time. Due to the fact that the load of heavy vehicles increases every year, the pressure in the tire tire increases, which is transmitted to the cement-concrete pavement of highways.

Conclusions. To predict the durability of cement-concrete pavement of roads from the action of vehicles, an analytical dependence is proposed, which takes into account the total traffic intensity determined by GBN B.2.3-37641918-557 and the maximum allowable amount of design load that can withstand cement-concrete pavement under horizontal tension. when bending.



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