Working out of the program of transformations at the enterprise

Number: Issue 11(2009)
Section: Without a section
The page spacing of the article: 309-318
Keywords: the program of transformations, competitive advantages, adaptation, the system of parameters.
How to quote an article: S. Stelnjakovich Working out of the program of transformations at the enterprise. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2009. 11. P. 309-318 [in Ukrainian]


Subsidiary Dnepropetrovsk Oblavtodor subsidiary of VAT DAK “Ukrainian roads, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Evolutionary development of the enterprise is possible under condition of its constant adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The system-parametrical approach to specification of development problems of the enterprise is formed. On the basis of the approach it is offered the purpose on working out of the program of transformations. By results of the analysis of indicators its industrial-economic activities subsidiary "Dnepropetrovsky Oblavtodor" the general concept of the program of transformations is formulated.


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