Rheological properties of asphalt concrete modified by a composite additive based on secondary polyethylene Polydom

Number: Issue 16(2016)
Section: Quality assessment
The page spacing of the article: 52-68
Keywords: asphalt concrete, complex modulus of elasticity, modification, polymer asphalt concrete, glass transition temperature, temperature sensitivity
How to quote an article: Serhii Kishchynskyi Rheological properties of asphalt concrete modified by a composite additive based on secondary polyethylene Polydom. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2016. 16. P. 52-68 [in Ukrainian]


M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine


The results of the research of the rheological properties of asphalt concrete prepared on bitumen modified by a polymeric additive based on secondary polyethylene Polydom and modified by direct introduction of the specified additive into the mixture are presented in the study.

A comparative analysis of the rheological characteristics of asphalt concrete on the original bitumen, on the bitumen with the viscosity that is equivalent to the modified bitumen and on the polymer asphalt concrete obtained both by the introduction of additives in bitumen and directly in the mixture was performed.

The conducted studies have recorded positive changes in such rheological indicators as: complex modulus of elasticity, sensitivity temperature, glass transition temperature, etc.


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