State and prospects of road infrastructure development in the regions which have sensed the negative impact of the armed conflict in the eastern Ukraine

Number: Issue 24(2021)
Section: Economy. Management
The page spacing of the article: 20–27
Keywords: road, costs, road infrastructure, armed conflict, planning, financing
How to quote an article: Vitalii Ivanchenko, Oleg Zagornyak. State and prospects of road infrastructure development in the regions which have sensed the negative impact of the armed conflict in the eastern Ukraine. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. 2021. Iss. 24. P. 20–27 [in Ukrainian].


National Transport University (NTU), Kyiv, Ukraine
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise - DerzhdorNDI SE, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. The development of transport infrastructure plays a key role in the implementation of the state strategy to stimulate the economic development of the eastern regions of Ukraine. Among other things, the most important component is the network of state roads. Some of the roads damaged by the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine remain in poor condition.

Problems. The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts has damaged and destroyed road infrastructure. This in turn has complicated and made road transport more expensive. As a result of the movement of large and heavy military equipment, most often moving in columns, on highways of state and local importance there are potholes, subsidence, destruction of the edges of the pavement, ruts.

To improve the situation and bring performance to the relevant standards, a number of State target programs and projects were introduced. But some roads still remain destroyed and need funding for repairs and reconstruction.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the state and prospects of road infrastructure development in the regions that have been negatively affected by the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Materials and methods. During the writing of the article, dialectical methods of scientific knowledge were used to form a list of highways of state importance in the eastern regions of Ukraine, primarily analysis and synthesis. Empirical methods of cognition, such as description, measurement and comparison, are also used.

Results. The paper highlights and characterizes the state of road infrastructure in the regions affected by the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine and reveals the prospects for its development.

Conclusions. The need to finance the repair and restoration of roads that have not been included in the list of already approved and funded programs, and the formation of clear strategic directions may be provided by the Program of measures for restoration and development of public roads in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, taking into account the priorities of restoring and building peace, realizing the industrial potential of the eastern regions of Ukraine and the principles of development of the entire network of public roads of state importance of Ukraine. Critical for the implementation of this plan is the adoption by the government of a program for the restoration and development of public roads of state importance in the regions that have been negatively affected by the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.


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