Application of the theory of potential danger to a choice such as ring crossings and variants of the organization of movement on them

Number: Issue 8(2008)
Section: Without a section
The page spacing of the article: 96-106
How to quote an article: D. Kapsky, V. Kuzmenko Application of the theory of potential danger to a choice such as ring crossings and variants of the organization of movement on them. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Kyiv, 2008. 8. P. 96-106 [in Russian]


Bilorus national technical university, metro Minsk, Bilorus
Bilorus national technical university, metro Minsk, Bilorus


The problem of a choice optimum lay-out of the decision is considered at modernization of ring crossing. It is offered criteria of optimization – losses in road traffic which estimates not only variants of the organization of traffic and parameters of loading, but also road conditions and specificity of disputed interaction on a crossroads. The proved choice of a lay-out of the decision is made of possible alternatives.


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